"Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there…because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't. But then one day you feel something else-something that feels wrong, only because it's so unfamiliar. And in that moment you realize…you're happy."


spaghetti on a rainy afternoon

The bf and i were in the grocery last thursday night. When i passed by the pasta/noodles section, i instantly had a hankering for a home cooked spaghetti. =) takaw! Right there and then i purchased the ingredients like pasta, cheese and sauce. yeyeye! I planned to buy the ground pork and hotdogs the next day when i go home from work. The next day it rained on my way home! That's why I was not able to drop by the market to buy the missing items. =( Meaning no spaghetti that friday evening huhuhu. When i woke up saturday morning, like my mom was able to read my mind, the meats are already in the freezer! hooray!! So, after finishing my laundry i went ahead to the kitchen to boil some water for the pasta. Added a tablespoon of oil to prevent the pasta from sticking together and half a teaspoon of salt for a little flavor. Then i also set on fire a second pot for the ground pork to cook. I combined it with enough water and let it boil till the water dries up and its own fat browned the meat a little. On the side, i chopped up garlic and onions and cubed the hotdogs and grated the cheese. =)

The pasta was now al dente after 20 minutes on the boiling water. 20 more minutes and the ground meat is ready.

Then heated up a little oil and sauteed the garlic and onions. I then added the hotdogs in the pan to cook it with the meat. When it was tender and juicy (hehehe) i added the spaghetti sauce, half of the grated cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper. It simmered for 5 minutes and was removed from the fire after. I then added the pasta and mixed it with a little more cheese. Voila! Spaghetti for the whole family! It was our comfort food for that rainy afternoon.

***Pics taken using my sister's sony ericsson k8001 o_0


crayola fiesta

courtesy of Mr. Picassohead


Twitterish Updates

  • Bought Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason paperback last weekend. Planning to read it this week if I'm not too tired when i go home after work or in the weekend if i don't have a much more important chores to accomplish. This is a sequel for Helen Fieldings's Bridget Jones's Diary. Both were found through my whenever-there-are-secondhand-bookstores-in-the-vicinity-i-will-surely-scan-their-collection hunts. Nice di ba? :p Oh, just now I'm making a mental note to myself that the books at home needs some cataloging or at least be arranged in a somewhat comprehensive order so as to avoid duplicates on my next purchases. yikes.
  • Visited the dentist a couple of days back. Had an oral prophylaxis and pasta on one of my teeth for freaking PHP900! I felt i was robbed. hehehe. Yeah, you can say that i was not satisfied with the service =( This is a new dentist kasi. I guess I am just used to my old dentist.
  • Downloaded the latest Naruto Shippuuden episodes (64&65). Gonna watch it when i get home later. ;-)
  • Added a tag board here :D Y'all know how to use it right? Don't be shy now. =)

  • ***

    A former officemate popped me in aim earlier this morning and told me that he accidentally hopped here while googling his site. =) I was skeptic at first but upon mimicking what he did on how exactly he landed here I resigned to the thought that my little surreptitious space is not so secret anymore. hahaha. My picture up there is the culprit. ;-) But then again, anything is possible with the www.
